This “unique” and “innovative” product designed by French company Feel Addicted was created to help fix dog’s sexually motivated behavioural problems.
I chose this as an info bit because it is an example of a daring, entrepreneurial movement. This product will have a first mover advantage within the established pet care industry. This is an example of an innovation that not all investors would see value in. The creators of this product truly followed their vision to generate a new market within an established industry.
It will be interesting to see where this will take the pet industry in the future.
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It's funny when I first read this info bit I literally said out loud "you can't be serious" but after re thought I can actually see my dog needing just that at times. Although it is a comical idea it makes sense and can prove to be a very profitable business. Good work
I think people in France have too much time on their hands. It just goes to show that there is a dollar to be made on anything and only an entrepreneur would see an opportunity arise from a frisky dog. Can you think of anyone you know that would buy this though?
I think that this 'puppy f*** toy' is a hilarious idea however completely needless as most people will simply throw their horny pooch an old stuffed animal to have their way with. I know thats the way I typically handle my dogs high sex drive and stuffed animals are cheap, stuffed, readily available and furry which I believe dogs much prefer when bangin'. A stuffy is also a lot more casual looking in the home setting then trying to disguise a strange sex toy...
Cool idea tho I guess ;)