NYX Resistance

This week we had the opportunity to see the prototype that Barb and Casey developed. They did an amazing job! It looks really good and feels like it has a lot of resistance. Ian is going to play a game of hockey in it, and report back on how it felt, if there was increased resistance or more sore then normal.

We also moved forward with the development of our website by purchasing the IP address www.nyxresistance.com from GoDaddy.com for a year. This was an inexpensive purchase that we thought would help increase both our personal investment in the venture as well as showing dedication to the class. Matt is the most apt at developing websites and most computer things. We have also been able to rely on Jon (advisory board member) to help us with any issues that arise. He has experience developing website, blogs and marketing campaigns.

We have also decided to have a very specific board meeting this coming week. We have had little development within the last two weeks, and we need to focus website and marketing development. So we are going to work specifically with Jon and Erik to develop various aspects of Nyx.

One Response so far.

  1. Awesome work with the prototype! Buying a domain is something we might do at DBS. We too are having problems focusing on one task - it's time to narrow in on some key objectives and finish those first. Or is all this juggling the bane of being an entrepreneur?!

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