This particular topic is a rather hot and debated issue on the internet right now. The large Swedish fashion chain H&M has recently admitted to using computer-generated models to showcase a range of collections on its website. These virtual models look completely human; however, many consumers when were noticing that all of the models had the same body shape and pose. Essentially H&M would take the real model’s head and then superimpose it on the body. Finally they would adjust the skin tone of the digitally altered body to match the complexion of the face.
H&M's recent method has created some controversy among consumers who have criticized them for creating a false reality for its customers by creating an unrealistic body image for women to live up to. Additionally, consumers argue that the clothing doesn't fit or look the same on real people as they do on the models.
Now I don't really have an opinion on the matter; however, what I have learned through reading this article is that in the clothing and apparel industry, being upfront and ethical is something that is obviously very important to consumers.
This particular issue in my mind is rather insignificant; however, to many consumers they are extremely upset about it (I read a number of the comments on the article) and it has definitely given H&M some negative publicity. I think the real lesson to be learned for NYX is that we need to be authentic about our product and stand behind what it can do without any fluff. Word spreads quick these days through the internet and social media that companies can no longer afford to make costly mistakes. Overall this article really opened my eyes to the fact that companies in the spot light walk on a very tight rope and even small choices that are usually implemented to cut costs can damage your reputation and in the long run cost you more in handling the negative publicity.