NYX Resistance

I was reading Seth Godin's blog the other day and he posted an interesting quote that we can all relate to in our personal lives as well as in our businesses. The post was titled Insulate yourself...

"from anonymous angry people
Expose yourself to art you don't yet understand
Precisely measure the results that are important to you
Stay blind to the metrics that don't matter
Fail often
Lead, don't manage so much
Seek out uncomfortable situations
Make an impact on the people who matter to you
Be better at your baseline skills than anyone else
Copyedit less, invent more
Give more speeches
Ignore unsolicited advice"

I really took to heart the fact that as an individual it is important to constantly be focused, to get out there and learn as much as you can even if you don't understand it initially, be a leader and not a manager, realize that it is ok to fail because it means you tried to do something, and last of all ignore those around you that you aren't interested in their advice. More than anything, I found these words to be inspirational and provide a guide to our own personal lives and how we can grow and develop a business. 



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