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Neurological disorders may never be a problem again. Researchers have successfully implanted an electrode-studded computer into the brain of a rat. The rat previously was unable to move properly because of brain damage, but is now able to because of this computer that has essentially replaced the motor area of the brain by picking up sensory information from the rat's body. Once interpreted, the information is sent to the brain stem which signals the body to move. It works just like a real brain!

According to professor Matti Mintz who has conducted a study since the installation of this computer into the brain of the rat, says that when the computer is turned on the rat is able to blink, however, when turned off the rat is unable to blink.

This could be a huge step in the medical world as people who have been affected by neurological diseases, or even accidents; may be able to live a healthy nurse free life again.

For full article follow this link: http://inventorspot.com/articles/roborat_robotic_brain_successfully_implanted_mobility_impaired_r


One Response so far.

  1. That's crazy! This could be a huge move forward brain damage patients. Even small things such as blinking are so dependent on the various aspects of the brain. This technology still needs a lot of work as our brains are vastly different, but it is a very cool!

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