NYX Resistance

This week we worked on our key resources and partnerships. It became apparent that there are stages of development throughout NYX’s start-up phase that will need different partners. We decided to take a current and future approach to help us focus on what is important now.

This week I will be meeting with Barb to further design and create a minimally working prototype. This prototype will target the muscles we are focusing on and will be a great stepping stone for further development of the prototype. Although this prototype will be basic it will be important in the development of NYX and our testing and learning process and we move into the minimally working prototype stage.

This week we met with the advisory board. The meeting went well and thank you to our advisors for your support.

Next week Ian and I are looking to meet with a connection that our advisor Freddie has suggested. This individual has experience in the athletic fabrics industry and we are hoping to get some feedback for our prototype. This will hopefully also help to develop a realistic cost plan in the future.

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