This week has not been very productive. This is due to many different things. It is mid-term season and at least three of us had a major finance midterm on Wednesday. We have all been a little distracted and not having as much focus on our project as we should have. For our weekly meeting all four of us had either appointments, car troubles or just unexpected things come up, so we didn't end up meeting. As well we are stuck on making the prototype, but really we should be moving forward with other factors that are important. Such as contacting the University of Calgary’s Human Performance Lab. I also heard someone mention that Mount Royal is opening a human performance lab, I am hoping to use my various connections at Mount Royal to set up a meeting, if it even exists. This week has taught me that there will be weeks that not are not very productive, but you can’t let that stop you from moving forward. Life will always have hurdles that will come up, you just need to power though and keep moving forward.
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