NYX Resistance

The past week has been rather interesting and productive. Our first advisory board meeting was extremely positive and shed valuable insight on our offering and the direction NYX should move towards.

The beginning of our meeting was slightly depressing due to the fact that our advisory board ripped into our idea and its feasibility. However, in hindsight it was a good wake-up call for our team to realize that we've reached a place where we really cannot move forward until we've proven the concept.

The remaining 80% of our meeting was spent discussing what our first MVP would look like and how we could efficiently and effectively build something workable that we could prove results with. Freddie (one of our advisory board members) actually owns and operates his own snowboard apparel company; his expertise during our first meeting was outstanding.

Initially we were planning on getting people from the general public to test and provide feedback on our initial prototype; however, Freddie made a great point stating, "Don't waste your time with the general public because they don't know anything - they believe what they are told - use professional athletes." 

Freddie also brought up a great point regarding coreshorts and one of the things that he disliked about their technology. He pointed out the fact that coreshorts make it extremely difficult for an individual to contract their muscles due to the fact that the shorts keep constant pressure. With repeated use, an individuals muscles could actually become confused and there could be the potential for injury. For this reason Friddie suggested we use concentrated resistance that provides resistance only when there is movement. 

Probably the biggest learning experience I took out of this meeting and so far out of this particular class is things look good on paper but need to be prototyped and tested well before complex features can be added. I think in a certain respect as a team we really wanted to walked before we learned how to crawl. I think we are all excited to stop talking about how the prototype will look and just go out and make something that kind of works and build upon it.

One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    When Freddie brought up the point about not asking for the publics opinion, I also thought this was a huge learning point. This also makes me think that we need to find some very true athletes that want to help us. Individuals would spend time testing our products and helping us develop a product that we could bring to the market.

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