This week has been productive in someways and as Christa mentioned in her most recent posting, very unproductive in other respects. From a research standpoint I've made some very good headway this week. I actually ran into an old friend this weekend (Mark Jones) who in the last two years I discovered has started up a relatively successful clothing company. He actually recommended a number of good manufacturers and basically offered to help us once we've gone through our prototyping and testing.
As for the status of our prototype, we were rather unproductive in making headway this week. I think for our whole team this particular week was the busiest thus far (I personally had 3 midterms in 2 days). However, I am confident that this coming week will be a step in the right direction. It's imperative we get our "Ghetto Mash-up" made by the end of October so that we can begin doing our initial testing.
Individual Blog Postings
That's awesome news about your new clothing connection. Any recommendations about manufacturers will definitely save you some time, money and possible headaches with poor manufacturers. What is currently holding you back from creating a functional, testable, prototype? It seems like you have everything in place for it to happen, and you can build off of what was created last semester.
I think our biggest issue right now is determining which prototype we want to test out first. We got some interesting feedback from several athletes suggesting that a weighted shirt would be great for training. I don't think however that we are planning on moving away from the resistant technology; however, it could be an interesting idea for branching out and expanding our product line.
Probably the biggest issue we face for this particular project is just time. Given that we only have a month a little bit remaining for this particular class, we don't have the time to make 15 different prototypes and test them all out. For this reason we really have to make sure that the 1 or 2 we do make are going to somewhat accomplish what we vision the product to do.
It's easy to talk about what the product could do, it's another thing to actually go out and prove your concept.
Thanks for the feedback Pat!