NYX Resistance

As of September 21st 2011 researchers in the CERN laboratory near Geneva have discovered subatomic particles that actually travel faster than the speed of light. it was recorded these particle could hit speeds of 299,792 kilometers per second. This discovery would disprove Albert Einstein`s theory of relativity and there fore change all modern physics as we know it. This is a giant discovery as previously believed notions of impossibility are now entering back into the forefront as there is new evidence coming in. It makes Doc Brown and his Delorean seem a little more plausible. In terms of a business aspect that form, the possibilities to develop the next fastest way to travel, a new energy in a energy starved economy or even new ways to treat patients can all be funded and discovered. I dont have to explain why finding a new energy source would be a huge profit turner especially coming from Alberta where our primary resource for income in oil.


One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    I heard on Daily Planet that they are still trying to definitavely prove that this happend. They've hired a third party to look at their finding to try and verify the results.

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