NYX Resistance

Youtube link is found here.


4 Responses so far.

  1. Well done overall. Could be a bit more informative. Great choice of video clips, and good overall theme.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Good job on this, you definitely know what your doing. This could be a commercial on TV. I agree with Colby, it could be a bit more informative, it may be a bit vague for someone who isn't familiar with your venture as much as the class. But it is well done fore sure, you got a top 5 vote from me!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I like how everything was very uniform, from all black and white, the intensity of the music, to the intensity of the video. Further business information would add to the pitch! But amazing overall!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thanks everyone. I appreciate the kind words. I will definitely keep in mind adding in a little bit more information in the future. In the past when I have written pitches I have always somewhat taken the approach of packing too much information into a pitch and it cane be a little bit too much to process. For this reason I really tried to back off on the complexities and simply get the concept across in a visual and engaging way. Perhaps I maybe went a little bit in the opposite direction and didn't go into enough detail.

    Finding that happy medium is always a difficult thing. I really appreciate the feedback, it's great to know where improvements can be made.

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