NYX Resistance

During this meeting the group worked together very well deciding on the way we will attack the market place. at first we were only concerned wit the actual athletes but our thoughts later evolved to thinking about the trainers the athletes listen too. From the experience we have in our group dealing with sales to athletes we found that the most effective way to have a product adopted is to convince the trainers that our resistance shirts would help elevate the players game.
The meeting went on to decide different roles of the group to finish the product, mainly the development of the prototype. This task was given to Casey in return for a lessor work load on the rest of the product. After a rigorous battle of rock paper scissors between Ian and Colby, it was decided that Ian would become the model for the shirt and it would be based on a hockey players needs. Being that we are from Canada it made perfect sense.
In the ended were each given clear roles of what was needed from each of us to complete our task.
For the next meeting we plan on focusing on a prototype built and more research about our market lace completed.

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